Why Do I Need Substance Abuse Evaluation?

With a Substance Abuse Evaluation, an attorney can present to a judge that a person has a substance use problem or mental illness and needs treatment. An attorney can request that charges are dropped or lessened if their client completes treatment successfully. When someone is evaluated and determined to have a chemical dependency the next step is to get them treatment.

Who needs a Substance Abuse Evaluation?

  • Persons with criminal charges
  • Clients mandated to treatment for addiction
  • Clients with mental health disorders
  • Attorneys hoping to drop or minimize drug-related or DUI charges
  • Dependency cases where a parent could lose custody of their child
  • Attorneys that want a second opinion after an assessment with a different agency
  • Probation officers looking for treatment for their client
  • Individuals curious about whether or not they have a drinking or other drug problem
  • Criminal Defense, State, Divorce/Family Cases, & Personal Injury Attorneys
  • Repeat Drug Offenders
    Court Cases Involving: criminal charges, psychological trauma, injury, families, dependency issues, mental illness, pre-trial diversion, repeat drug offenders, and more.

How do Substance Abuse Evaluations help?

Research proves to us again and again that recidivism rates drop significantly for offenders when they attend addiction treatment. Anyone familiar with the criminal justice system knows that it becomes a revolving door for repeat offenders. When substance users or people with mental illness are incarcerated instead of treated, they are more likely to relapse and commit another crime. This vicious cycle not only costs the U.S. billions of dollars but, more importantly, is a significant public safety issue.

With an evaluation, an attorney can present to a judge that a person has a substance use problem or mental illness and needs treatment. An attorney can request that charges are dropped or lessened if their client completes treatment successfully. When someone is evaluated and determined to have a chemical dependency, the next step is to get treatment.

Next Gen Therapies recommends the least restrictive form of treatment possible. We provide direct intensive outpatient services. We also work closely with numerous residential programs in the community and connect clients with inpatient services as needed.

Facts About Substance Abuse Evaluations

  • Used in Court, Probation, Parole & Correctional Settings
  • 92-98% validity and reliability
  • Effective with incarcerated offenders – federal, state, & local
  • Identifies if a substance use disorder DOES NOT or DOES exist (even with other mental health symptoms present)
  • Objective, highly accurate, and evidence-based.
  • Not subjective or opinion-based.

If you are looking for assistance and need a substance abuse evaluation in St Petersburg, FL, or in the surrounding Pinellas County areas, contact an experienced counselor from Next Gen Therapies at 866.663.9436 today.

What Happens During a Substance Abuse Evaluation

There are three categories of alcohol and drug use: social use, abuse, and dependence.  Once your substance abuse evaluation is complete, we will help you determine the best course of treatment to assure a positive future based on your unique history, current situation, strengths, and current needs.

After your Substance Abuse Evaluation, if necessary, suggestions given by your counselor can help define the proper steps to treat substance use disorder.  This can be an excellent step for you at a difficult time in your life because it provides professional treatment recommendations that can assist you in obtaining education and therapy around any alcohol or drug issues.

To obtain the most benefit from a Substance Abuse Evaluation, take time to understand why you are coming in, be completely honest, and plan to follow through on the recommendations.  Your counselor may recommend counseling or classes to prevent future problems.